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  • Who are OIF/OEF Veterans?

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Today Americans from many Massachusetts cities and towns, including Framingham are at war.

    Officially, the “War in Iraq” and the “War in Afghanistan” are classified as service in either “Operation Iraqi Freedom” or “Operation Enduring Freedom”.

    American servicemen and servicewomen are returning to the USA every day from Iraq, Afghanistan and other deployments around the world.

    Whether or not you agree with the politics of a particular war — we must welcome these men and women back to the USA in a way which validates and honors their time served and the personal sacrifices they and their families have made in defense of our country.

    We can not let another generation of veterans endure the suffering that Vietnam era veterans endured after they returned home.

    While many of today’s returning vets have visible scars; missing limbs, broken bodies, burns and other injuries we can see — even more carry the invisible scars of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, (PTSD), and many have suffered varying degrees of  traumatic brain injury, (which can cause problems with cognitive, psychological, occupational and socialization issues even though the person “appears to be fine”).

    Below are some of the resources available to OIF/OEF Veterans:

    • Framingham Department of Veterans’ Services – 150 Concord St. Rm 35B, (in the Memorial Building), info can be found by going to the Town website at:  www.framinghamma.gov and entering “veteran” in the search box, or by calling (508) 532-5515.
    • MA Department of Veterans’ Services – information from the State of Massachusetts for veterans can be found at: www.mass.gov, by typing the word “veterans” into the search box, or by calling
    • The US Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs – website with information about OIF/OEF veteran’s benefits, services and programs which can be found at:  www.oefoif.va.gov, or call the VA toll free at: (800)-827-1000.
    • OIF/OEF Veterans of Massachusetts –  an organization, (also known as “Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of Massachusetts”), works on many issues including monitoring legislation related to employment, health care, education, tax benefits, entrepreneurship and many other veteran related issues.  They have a website at: www.oifoef.org, (they are also active on Facebook — just enter OIF/OEF in the Facebook  search box) or call (617) 372-8200.
    • American Veterans with Brain Injuries, organization and website “Dedicated to all the American veterans who have suffered a brain injury and the family members who love and care for them” at: www.avbi.org
    • Wounded Warrior Project – advocacy, benefits counseling, peer groups, and other services for wounded US veterans, www.woundedwarriorproject.org


  • Patriots’ Day in Framingham

    Minuteman Statue, Buckminster Square, Framingham, MA USA
    Minuteman Statue, Buckminster Square, Framingham, MA USA

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – While many locals think about the Boston Marathon and a three day weekend — many forget, or never knew the significance of April 19th which is celebrated as Patriots’ Day in the State of Massachusetts.

    Patriots’ Day commemorates the original American Patriots, the Revolutionary War soldiers who fought the British at Lexington and Concord, on April 19th in the year 1775.

    Many don’t realize the significance Framingham’s own Minutemen played in the War for Independence.    Before the first shot was fired on the battlefields of Lexington and Concord, Framingham residents readied themselves and worked closely with other patriots throughout the greater Framingham area in 1775.

    The next time you are driving from Framingham Center towards Downtown, as you head south on Main St., and it divides, (Main St. to the left, Maple St. to right, and straight ahead is Union Ave.), consider for a moment as you pass the statue of the Minuteman, that you have just passed through the same location where Framingham residents gathered and planned and mustered to defend us against tyranny and oppression long before we were born.

    Below are excepts from our Framingham Historic Timeline, (written by former Town Historian, Stephen Herring).

    February 22, 1775 – British General Gage sends out spies to chart the way to Worcester for his invasion. They stay at Buckminster’s tavern and observe the Framingham minutemen drilling.
    April 19, 1775General Gage sends his Redcoats against Lexington and Concord instead of Framingham and Worcester. Framingham sends it’s minutemen, and one man is wounded.

    On April 19th, 1775, the original Patriot’s Day, Framingham was there.   The Minuteman statue in Buckminster Square stands as a reminder of the events which not only shaped Framingham,  but shaped a nation.


    Patriots’ Day in Framingham
  • Open Mic Comedy Show – May 5, 2010

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Comedic theater features at The Amazing Open Comedy Mique Show on May 5. Host Dave Hornfischer, stated that he is “thrilled to add another comedic category featured at Amazing Things monthly comedy show”. He noted the comedy show in its first year, has featured all forms of comedy including stand-up comics, magicians, jugglers, folk singers, storytellers, and impersonators.

    The May 5th 50 minute comedic theater performance and post performance discussion with actor, playwright and director will headline a show that will also include a number of returning and new miquers doing 5 minute bits of PG13 stand up comedy, storytelling, funny folk music and (more…)

    Open Mic Comedy Show – May 5, 2010

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