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  • Cape Winds Approved by Federal Government

    BOSTON, MA – In a televised press conference today, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the Obama administration had approved the Cape Winds project which could result in 130 electricity generating win turbines being placed in Nantucket Sound off the shores of Cape Cod.

    The project which has been debated for almost a decade draws a lot of criticism from Cape residents and even from some environmentalists who believe the project will detract from the natural marine beauty of the coastal area. (more…)

    Cape Winds Approved by Federal Government
  • Framingham’s Immigrant Problem

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Framingham has a problem. And, the town is not alone in this problem — people all over the state and the country are complaining about the same thing — those “damned immigrants”.

    It isn’t a new problem — it’s been going on for many years. Just the names called and words used [to describe “the problem”] are different.

    In our new politically correct world, it’s considered very un-PC to express dislike for a race or class of people using words we might prefer if we knew they would not hear us.  Instead we say things like “based on immigration status” or “because they don’t speak English“, or “because they probably get welfare and foodstamps“. (more…)

    Framingham’s Immigrant Problem
  • Summer Jobs Program for Framingham-area Youth

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Future Skills Institute (FSI), a young adult career and jobs center in Framingham, has been awarded funding through the state’s YouthWorks program to provide job-readiness training and subsidized internships to youth aged 16-21.

    FSI is currently seeking low-income youth as well as Framingham-area employers to participate in the program. Private businesses, public agencies, and non-profit organizations are needed to provide meaningful summer work experiences for young people, at little to no cost to the employer.

    Participating youth will receive work-readiness and work-retention training prior to placement at a worksite, and will be supported by FSI staff throughout their internships. FSI Career Specialists will work with participants to match them with internships based on their interests and career goals.

    This is FSI’s third year administering the YouthWorks program in Framingham. Last summer, YouthWorks funding supported 32 youth in subsidized internships at area businesses and non-profit agencies for 8-10 weeks. With additional funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), this year’s program will also include pre-apprenticeship training and work opportunities for low-income young people (18-24) in the carpentry, electrical, laborer, operator engineering, painting, plumbing, and sheet-metal trades.

    The YouthWorks and Building Trades Exploration programs are targeted particularly to low-income youth, but FSI job assistance and career exploration services are open to all young adults between the ages of 16 and 24. Future Skills Institute is an initiative of the Metro-South West Regional Employment Board Inc., (MSWREB).

    For more information about summer work opportunities, contact FSI at 508-875-0223, or stop by their office at 68 Henry Street in downtown Framingham.


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