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  • Framingham Cable “Deals”

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Ever since Community Cablevision came to town in the 1970’s, one-by-one, most people took down the rabbit ears or roof-top antennae and ran coaxial cable into their homes instead.

    1979 - Framingham Community Cablevision logo
    Framingham Community Cablevision, logo, (1979).

    Today there are several options available to Framingham residents in regard to how they obtain “tv signal”.

    Choices range from using a digital converter box connected to those old rabbit ears or aerial antennae, by “cable”, by satellite — or a popular choice lately: foregoing traditional formal television programming and watching news, entertainment and other forms of video on an internet connected device.

    Cable providers have long realized that improvements in speed and quality of online video transmission would make people less dependent on traditional television as a media source and today cable tv is usually bundled into some form of broadband cable access.

    Framingham’s cable t.v., internet and residential phone needs are served primarily by three companies;  Comcast, RCN and (more…)

    Framingham Cable “Deals”
  • Recycle Schedule Changing

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Framingham Town Meeting Members, (TMM), voted to pass an article which will leave Framingham residents with recycling pick up every other week instead of weekly.

    People opposed to new recycling plan offered many reasons why they did not want to see the article pass. Among the complaints; The new containers are too big and some people including elderly and disabled won’t be able to (more…)

  • Digital Billboards

    Clear Channel Communications' two-sided digital billboard, I-495, Lawrence, MA.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Urban blight. Billboards.  Downtown Framingham has billboards and most in town would like to see them gone.  The majority of the billboards are owned and maintained by Clear Channel Communications, (www.clearchannel.com).

    The problem for the Town is that the billboards are “grandfathered“, meaning they were erected when no sign bylaws prohibited them, so the Town can’t just order them removed.


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