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  • Framingham On-street Parking Changes

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – New parking regulations based on findings and recommendations by the Framingham Traffic and Roadway Safety Committee, (TRSC), and approved by the Framingham Board of Selectman have significant implications for those who want to, or need to park “on street” in Framingham.

    Photo of Framingham's new odd/even parking signs, (April 2010)
    Framingham's new parking signs take a bit of reading. This one is at motorist eye-level at the intersection where Speen Street meets Old Connecticut Path.

    Placement of new signs, and the removal of other signs has cleared up confusion about where and when you can park, (and caused confusion in others areas).

    The major points of the new parking regulations are;

    • Overnight on-street parking [of passenger cars] is now allowed, (so long as parking is not prohibited by other parking regulations). Effective January 1, 2010
    • On-street parking is now regulated by a year-round odd/even system.  (Parking is allowed on even numbered side of street in even number years, odd numbered side in odd number years). Effective May 1, 2010.
    • The (2) hour on-street parking restriction is being eliminated townwide; but, in two “zones”, (the Framingham Center/State College area, and the Downtown Framingham / Hospital area), there will now be a  (3) hour parking limit from 6AM to 6PM, (Monday through Friday).  Effective May 1, 2010.

    These new regulations are the outcome of several public meetings where input from residents, from Town departments, as well as input from business owners and other (more…)

    Framingham On-street Parking Changes
  • Flood Pushes Back Income Tax Filing Deadline

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The rains that soaked the region at the end of March 2010 caused enough damage to have several Massachusetts counties declared Federal Disaster Areas.

    If you live in one of the affected counties, (Bristol, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk or Worcester county), and have not filed your 2009 State or Federal Income Tax Returns, the deadline for filing has been extended to May 11, 2010. (more…)

  • Litter Layer Fire Danger

    Framingham, MA - spring litter layer, trees
    The sun shines through the trees.

    Framingham, MA – The litter layer refers to the layer of dead leaves, twigs, and other organic material that litters the ground in wooded areas. Many people don’t realize just how much of a fire hazard this material poses in early spring.

    With no leaves on the trees, the full heat of the early spring sun makes it’s way through the trees.  Although the ground may still be wet from snow melt and spring rains, the topmost layer of organic material quickly dries posing a fire threat in and near wooded areas.

    Many residential neighborhoods in Framingham are heavily wooded.  Over the winter, leaves, twigs and other materials may have fallen from trees or been blown from the surrounding area and collected in corners of flower beds, along fences, or up against the side of a building.

    Litter Layer Fire Danger

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