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  • Town Hall Closed November 25 & 26, 2010

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Memorial Building, (Framingham’s Town Hall), will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 25th and 26th, 2010 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.


  • Westboro Baptist Church Coming to Framingham

    Shirley Phelps of the hate group that calls itself the Westboro Baptist Church
    Shirley Phelps of the hate group that calls itself the Westboro Baptist Church.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – I got a call yesterday afternoon. The woman said a reporter left a message saying they were from Framingham and wanted to interview her, but didn’t leave a call-back number, so she searched the internet and found the phone number for framingham.com

    She asked if she was reaching “a news outlet”, and I told her we do run some news articles along with other Framingham local community information.

    Then I asked her, “Did you do something newsworthy?

    Her short reply,  “we picket“.

    I asked her name…

    She said her name was Shirley Phelps-Roper.  Then she said, “we were going to picket in your town on the 4th, but we’re going to come on the 3rd instead so more of the kids will be outside the school than will go to that fag play“.

    She told me she’s “the lawyer for the [Westboro Baptist] church“, and that she answers the phone calls and email.  Then rather proudly mentioned that she is one of 13 siblings, and she herself is the mother of 11 children.

    Knowing I was talking to someone who loves the sound of their own voice, I gave Shirley a go-ahead “uh-huh” and said, “Oh, you’re from that church in Kansas“, and mentioned I’d read “something about it”.

    Shirley went on about The Laramie Project (more…)

    Westboro Baptist Church Coming to Framingham
  • “Thanks for Giving” Fund Raiser

    Thanks for Giving
    For the last 21 years, Mark and Karen Curtis who run the Eagles Grill in downtown Framingham have provided a free Thanksgiving meal to all who need or want one-last year it was over 1,200 meals. They even deliver 450 meals to shut-ins on that day as well. Over the years, they have not solicited donations. This is the first year that some local churches have had to discontinue offering their Thanksgiving meals, and the Salvation Army has canceled their free Thanksgiving dinner as well. Please help support The Eagles Kitchen Thanksgiving Dinner!

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – From November 15, 2010 until November 25, 2010 framingham.com is running a “Thanks for Giving” fund-raising special.

    To help support The Eagles Kitchen Thanksgiving Dinner, and to promote Framingham businesses we are giving 50% OFF standard ad rates for all advertising orders placed this week if the advertiser donates the remaining 50% to help fund the dinner.

    Here’s how it works: Any local business that orders online advertising on framingham.com during the “Thanks for Giving” promotion will get a 50% discount off standard published rates, then the business sends a check or money order payable to “Eagles Kitchen Thanksgiving Dinner” for the other 50%.

    For example: If an advertiser chose a $720/yr package, they would get that package for 50% OFF — making the cost only $360, (for a full year of advertising — that’s less than $1.00 a day!)

    If you own a Framingham business, or know someone who does, let them know about the “Thanks for Giving” promotion. (more…)

    “Thanks for Giving” Fund Raiser

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