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  • Legislative Delegation Announces Framingham Receives $500K for Bowditch

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Senator Karen Spilka, Representative Tom Sannicandro and Representative Pam Richardson announced Friday, November 7, 2008 that Framingham has received a $500,000 grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) for renovations to Bowditch Field.

    The grant was awarded under EEA’s Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Program.

    “This is a great opportunity for Framingham to revitalize an existing asset and give a whole new (more…)

  • “HERvoices: Framingham, Massachusetts — A Dialogue between Neighbors”

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — “HERvoices: Framingham, Massachusetts — A Dialogue between Neighbors” to be held on Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Framingham Public Library. Free admission and open to the public.

    HERvoices’ mission is to help communities become safer and more inclusive by equipping individuals to become more self-aware and open-minded. We accomplish this mission by building cross-cultural understanding through story-sharing presentations. Each presentation is a compilation of personal testimonies from women and girls who have not previously spoken about their lives publicly.

    “HERvoices: Framingham, Massachusetts — A Dialogue between Neighbors” is one of HERvoices’ four available multimedia presentations. It features the testimonies of women and girls from the diverse town of Framingham, MA, twenty miles west of Boston. Presentation participants will hear testimonies from women of all ages and backgrounds living in Framingham. Through the testimonies -some of which are read by female audience participants – participants will feel as though they have met the profiled women … as well as others whom the profiled women remind them of, others they have not yet met, and even other parts of themselves.

    HERvoices focuses on women because there are still fewer opportunities globally for women to participate in public forums and decision-making processes; and HERvoices focuses on stories because we all have them, they are universalizing, and by hearing each others’, we are all able to connect to one another across other apparent barriers.

    Sometimes, just speaking about your life can inform you of your own importance; and, often, hearing about her life can resolve something in you and remind you of your humanity.

    For more information: www.hervoices.org, 617-501-9303, info@hervoices.org.





    For the most current flu clinic information or for those with internet access, you can refer to the Town of Framingham Board of Health website: https://www.framinghamma.gov/index.asp?NID=862

    On Wednesday, November 19th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Callahan Center on Union Avenue, the Board of Health will (more…)

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