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  • Presentation by DPW at Heritage

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Nobscot Neighbors and Espresso Paulo are pleased to bring you a presentation by The Framingham Department of Public Works “Everything you ever wanted to know about Water, Sewer and Roadway projects coming to Nobscot..”  Monday night March 1, 2010, from 7 ­ 9 PM, in The Peloquin Room at The Heritage, Nobscot.

    We are delighted to have this opportunity to hear from DPW on the major projects about to begin in the Nobscot area of Framingham. The scope of work in Nobscot that we will hear about exceeds that which is typical of a routine project year. This is also true for other areas of Town.

    While DPW might touch on some of these other endeavors, the primary focus of this meeting will be the projects in Nobscot.

    We expect this to be another exciting Nobscot Neighbors event – Everyone is welcome!

    Coffee prepared by Paul Ashton, Potluck Dessert

  • Open Meeting of Bruce Freeman Rail Trail

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail (a 25 mile proposed rail trail between Lowell and Framingham) cordially invites the public to the March meeting of the Friends on Thursday evening, March 25th 7:00 PM at the Heritage, 747 Water Street Framingham.

    Come find out about progress on the Trail!

    The purpose of the meeting is to inform you of:

    • Progress made on the tail so far, e.g. 6.8 miles in Lowell/Chelmsford/Westford has been completed and is open
    • The value of this unique “linear park” to the Nobscot neighborhood, the entire Framingham community and the MetroWest region
    • The actions Framingham residents can take to bring the trail to completion for its entire length, from Lowell to route 9 in Framingham within the next decade.

    The Friends of the BFRT look forward to your attendance at this informative discussion and will provide an array of delicious and healthy refreshments.

    Please RSVP to John Stasik at jstasik@rcn.com or (508) 877-6771 if you intend to join us.

  • Rainy Day Bird

    During the downpour today I was surprised to look out and see a bird, I think a finch, eagerly feeding at the feeder hanging on our crab apple tree. The bird clung to the feeder in the wind, looking around as it nibbled, but rarely looking toward our window.

    I was only about 6 feet away and tried not to move.

    The bird left and came back for more, then left.

    Sometime later a squirrel, the first I’ve seen near the feeder, ran up the tree and started toward the feeder. Maybe he spied me, or felt the slender branch that the feeder is on wasn’t up to his weight, but he backed down, and scampered off.

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