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  • Framingham Election Programming on Channel 9

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The updated schedule for Framingham election programming on Comcast channel 9 is as follows:

    Monday, March 28

    • 12:00 pm – FIMBY Candidates Debate
    • 2:00 pm – League of Women Voters Candidates Debate
    • 7:00 pm – Jim Pillsbury Show LIVE (candidates)

    Tuesday, March 29

    • 10:00 am – Jim Pillsbury Show (replay)
    • 7:30 pm – LWV Candidates Debate
    • 10:00-midnight – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 12:30 am – LWV Candidates Debate
    • 3:00-6:00 am – Political Roundtable – Candidates

    Wednesday, March 30

    • 9:00 am – LWV Candidates Debate
    • noon-3:00 pm – Political Roundtable – Candidates

    Thursday, March 31

    • noon – FIMBY Candidates Debate

    Friday, April 1

    • 1:30 pm – Community Connections Candidates Forum
    • 4:00 pm – FIMBY Candidates Debate

    Saturday, April 2

    • 3:30 pm – FIMBY Candidates Debate
    • 5:30 pm – LWV Candidates Debate
    • 8:00 pm – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • Midnight – LWV Candidates Debate
    • 5:30 am – FIMBY Candidates Debate

    Sunday, April 3

    • 8:00 am – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 11:00 am – FIMBY Candidates Debate
    • 1:00 pm – LWV Candidates Debate
    • 3:00 pm – Community Connections Candidates Forum
    • 8:00-10:00 pm – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 11:00 pm – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 2:00-5:00 am – Political Roundtable – Candidates

    Monday, April 4

    • 11:30 am – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 12:30 pm – FIMBY Candidates Debate
    • 2:30 pm – Community Connections Candidates Forum
    • 6:00 pm – Political Roundtable – Candidates
    • 7:00 pm – Jim Pillsbury Show LIVE
    • 10:00 pm – LWV Candidates Debate
    • Midnight – Jim Pillsbury show (replay)
    • 4:00 am – LWV Candidates Debate

    Tuesday, April 5 (ELECTION DAY!)

    • 10:00 am – Jim Pillsbury Show (replay)
    • 11:30 am – LWV Candidates Debate

    RCN channel 3 will be showing FIMBY at 2 PM and League of Women Voters at 4 PM daily until the election.


  • Red Sox/Yankees 4/13 Tickets Fundraiser Auction

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Bid on eBay for tickets for Yankee vs Red Sox at Fenway Park on April 13th and help sponsor Framingham’s Irene Dunne’s participation in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Bid price minus cost of tickets and auction fees will be donated as a tax deductible contribution (consult your tax advisor) in the winning bidder’s name, for which they will receive a receipt. The tickets are two pairs of side by side Infield Grand Stand seats and game time is 7:05 p.m.

    Benefits Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

    The auction has the official sanction of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer organization. This Red Sox game is sold out. To bid, go to eBay and bid on Item number 6519718787 and/or 6519695292, found under the tickets category. Auction ends March 28 so bid now!

    Irene Dunne of Framingham will spend a weekend walking to help eradicate breast cancer by participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston on May May 14/15, 2005. The Avon Walk Boston is one of six events in a series of weekend fundraising walks taking place from May to October this year to help raise awareness and funds for access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer.

    The Avon Walks are non-competitive and structured for walkers of various fitness levels with a choice of completing a marathon walk (26.2 miles) or a marathon and a half (39.1 miles) over the Saturday and Sunday.

    Dunne, like everyone walking in the event, is required to raise a minimum of $1,800 to participate, but she’s aiming higher, with a personal goal of $5,000. She hopes the Metro West residents will share their goodwill towards her efforts. Funds donated to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer are managed and disbursed by the Avon Foundation, an accredited 501(c)(3) public charity, with funds awarded for breast cancer awareness and education; screening and diagnosis; treatment; support services; and scientific research. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to community-based non-profit breast health programs in the vicinities of each Avon Walk event and nationwide.

    In addition to bidding on the Red Sox tickets, you can help Dunne reach her fundraising goal, by donating online at www.avonwalk.org or, you can send a check made payable to the “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer” to Dunne at: 181 School Street, Framingham, MA 01701.

  • Welcome Home Heroes at Cushing Chapel

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – “Welcome Home Heroes” this Sunday at 2PM at Cushing Chapel, Tercentennial Park, Dudley Rd.

    You are invited to join the Framingham Celebration Committee and the Framingham Veterans Council on Sunday March 20th at 2:00PM at the Cushing Chapel for an event, “Welcome Home Heroes” to honor those returning Metrowest veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the world.

    All Metrowest recently returned veterans are invited to attend in uniform and will be hosted by WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War Era veterans from the Framingham Veterans Council. Council President Mal Schulze will help host the program.

    The event is intended to welcome home today’s returning veterans from the Metrowest area and honor the service they have provided to our country. The hour long event will include reflections on experiences while deployed overseas as well as proper respect for the flag.

    The Celebration Committee is working in conjunction with the Framingham Veteran’s Council in holding this event. The event will be followed by a reception at Keefe Tech High School just around the corner from the Chapel.

    The Framingham Celebration Committee sponsors the Flag Day Parade in Framingham and this year’s theme is “Honoring Returning Veterans: Then and Now”.

    For more info, contact: Doug Freeman, Chairman, Framingham Celebration Committee, Inc., 508-879-6394 Home, 508-733-0028 Mobile, freeman_doug@yahoo.com


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