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  • Nobscot Neighbors — New Neighborhood Group Forming

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Nobscot area residents and supporters have come together to form “Nobscot Neighbors.”

    Nobscot Neighbors is a group of concerned Framingham citizens and other interested parties dedicated to the improvement and preservation of the Nobscot section of the town. Members are residents, elected officials, property owners, parents, and business owners who believe in taking an active role in their chosen community.

    Nobscot has a rich heritage as one of Framingham’s distinct villages, one that they feel has the potential to become an even more vibrant, attractive, and welcoming place with the right guidance, promotion and encouragement. Nobscot is located in north Framingham, with its economic center located around the Edgell Road and Water Street intersection.

    The goals of Nobscot Neighbors are:

    • Promote Nobscot as an attractive place to live, shop, dine, locate a business, and enjoy recreational areas.
    • Unite residents, businesses, and institutions for discussion and pursuit of common goals.
    • Create a stronger sense of community through meetings, events, promotions, and other communications.

    Care to join? Visit their new website at: nobscot.org and sign up for their mailing list and keep up to date with their activities and discussions.

    Currently meetings are held at Annie’s Book Stop/Espresso Paulo Coffee Shop in the Nobscot Shopping Center.

    Related Link: <http://www.nobscot.org>



    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Due to an additional serious snow storm on December 31, 2008, the Framingham Police Department has advised residents of a snow emergency in effect from 9 a.m. on December 31 until 9 a.m. on January 1, 2009.

    Parking is prohibited on all major arteries as designated by red and white signage.

    Reminder: The Winter Parking Ban prohibits parking on the even numbered side of the street.



  • Submit Your Nominations for Salute to Framingham

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — What once started as a vision over seventeen years ago has grown into one of Framingham’s most cherished annual events. Each year the Salute to Framingham Dinner Committee will honor three individuals who have done much for Framingham’s youth.

    We encourage everyone from Framingham to consider nominating an individual, from any sector of the community, who has made a difference in the lives of the youth of our town. The basic criteria for this nomination are that the individual has given selflessly to the youth of Framingham.

    All nominations received will be kept on file and reviewed in January of each year. To be considered as a recipient for the 2009 Salute to Framingham, written and online nominations must be submitted by January 5, 2009. The committee will be meeting the following week to select the recipients.

    Visit Framinghamflyers.com and click on Salute to Framingham to submit a nomination online or to obtain more information on the event. Letters of nomination may be mailed to Salute to Framingham, Box 2367, Framingham, MA 01703.

    Plan to attend the 17th Annual Salute to Framingham Dinner at the Sheraton Framingham in March.



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