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  • Historical Society Looking for Photos to Scan

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Do you have photos, publications, or records that depict the people and places of the textile industry in Framingham?

    The Framingham Historical Society is looking for images for their upcoming exhibit, The Fabric of Framingham. Rather than donate your images, the Society would just like you to share them by allowing it to scan them.

    The Framingham Historical Society & Museum is holding a scanning party on Saturday, February 11 from 10a.m. – noon at the Edgell Memorial Library. Refreshments will be served.

    The snow date is February 12th from 2 – 4 p.m.

    Call 508-872-3780 for more information.


  • Pilot Study Group Forum Thursday Night

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Social Service Pilot and Comparative Impact Study Group Public Forum will be held on Thursday February 2, 2006, 7:00PM in the Public Hearing Room, Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street.

    Forum 1: Public Input

    Topic:The Impact of Social Service Programs in Framingham

    Process/Format: Those wishing to speak will sign their name on a sign in sheet at the front table visibly labeled “Sign in Here if You Wish To Speak“.

    Speakers will be asked to come up and speak to the committee by the Chair. The Chair will work within his power to ensure that as broad a range of viewpoints are heard throughout the night.

    Direct questions will be allowed from committee members to the speakers following initial comments, at the discretion of the Chair. Committee members wishing to ask a question of a speaker will do so only after being recognized by the Chair. Questions to the speakers must be relevant to the topic of the evening.

    Each speaker will have a maximum of 3 minutes for their initial comments. Additional time may be granted by the Chair to allow for response to questions/comments by the committee.

    Relevance of Comments: individuals making comments not pertinent to the topic “The Impact of Social Service programs in Framingham” will not be allowed to continue, but will be given an opportunity to get back “on track“.


  • Framingham Democrats Caucus on Sunday

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Registered Democrats in the Town of Framingham will be holding a caucus on Sunday, February 5, 2006, at the Cameron Middle School, 215 Elm Street, to elect 35 delegates and 3 alternates to the 2006 Massachusetts Democratic Convention. Registration opens at noon, with the caucus to begin at 1:00.

    The 2006 Democratic State Convention will be held on Friday, June 2 and Saturday, June 3, at the DCU Center in Worcester. At that time Democrats from across the state will gather to nominate candidates for the offices of U.S. Senator, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, Treasurer, and Auditor. The Convention will endorse Massachusetts Democratic Party’s candidate for Governor of the Commonwealth.

    The caucus is open to all registered Democrats in the Town of Framingham.

    All who wish participate in the caucus, either as candidates for delegate or alternate, or to vote for Framingham’s delegates, must be registered as Democrats in Framingham by December 31, 2005. Candidates for delegate and alternate must consent to nomination in writing and must be present at the caucus. All ballots will be written and secret. Those not elected as delegate and alternate, who meet the qualifications, may apply to be add-on delegates in the following categories: youth, minority, and disabled.

    Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identify, sexual orientation, or economic status in the conduct of the caucus is strictly prohibited. Challenges to the delegate selection process can be filed with the Massachusetts Democratic Party, 56 Roland Street, North Lobby Suite 203, Boston, MA 02129, no later than ten days after the caucus date.

    Visit the Framingham DTC website www.framinghamdems.org for information on running for delegate or alternate. The website has instructions on participating in the caucus, as well as a schedule of Town Committee meetings. Contact Norma Shulman, Chair of the Framingham Town Committee, 508-877-5377, shulman22@rcn.com, for more information.

    Additional information can also be obtained from the Democratic State Committee at (617) 776-2676 or www.framinghamdems.org


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