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  • Elizabeth Warren Declares Senate Candidacy

    Elizabeth Warren on Youtube
    Elizabeth Warren announces her U.S. Senate candidacy with a Youtube Video.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – At the J&M Diner on Old Connecticut Path in Framingham today, Elizabeth Warren met with voters after declaring herself a Democratic contender in the race for the seat now held by U.S. Senator Scott Brown, (R-MA).

    The seat which some referred to as “Ted Kennedy’s Seat” during the 2008 election that sent Scott Brown to Washington, had been occupied by Kennedy, the liberal lion from 1962 until his death on August 25, 2009, a reign of nearly 47 years for the former senior senator from Massachusetts.

    Warren, a 62 year old mother of two adult children is; a Democrat, a Methodist, a former Sunday School teacher, an attorney, a Harvard Law Professor, a bankruptcy expert, an author, and according to (more…)

    Elizabeth Warren Declares Senate Candidacy
  • Bruins Honor Oldest Fan at St. Patricks Manor

    Bruce and Desire "Dave" Caissie with Stanley Cup at St. Partick's Manor (September 2, 2011)
    Bruce Caissie and his grandfather, Desire "Dave" Caissie (age 104) with The Stanley Cup at St. Partick's Manor (September 2, 2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – True Boston Bruins fans and trivia nuts might know the name Charlie Jacobs, but chances are many fans don’t.

    Charlie is a total sports guy — a Board Member of the New England Sports Network, (NESN), and a Board Member and Past President & CEO of Total Media Group, but Charlie’s favorite job is being the Founder and Chairman of the Boston Bruins Foundation, the charitable community involvement arm of his family’s business — you see, Charlie’s dad is Jeremy Jacobs, Chairman & CEO of Delaware North Corporation and owner of the Boston Bruins.

    When Charlie heard about Desire “Dave” Caissie, a 104 year old resident at St. Patrick’s Manor in Framingham, he snuck in a little side-trip to St. Pat’s on (more…)

    Bruins Honor Oldest Fan at St. Patricks Manor
  • Centercorp to make Nobscot anouncement October 1st

    Vintage Nobscot Shopping Center sign demolished by Centrecorp.
    Vintage Nobscot Shopping Center sign demolished by Centrecorp.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – On July 29th, 2011 we ran an article, “Annie’s Book Stop in Nobscot Calls it Quits” about one of the Nobscot Shopping Center tenants and mentioned the Town’s growing dismay with Centercorp Retail Properties, Inc, the owner of the shopping center.

    Following our article, on September 4th, 2011, Megan McKee, the local correspondent for the Boston Globe ran and article, “Officials set focus on mall vacancies“, which quotes Framingham Selectman Dennis Giombetti as saying “They [Centercorp] have done nothing but thumb their noses at us for a very, very long time,” and mentions the possibility that Framingham could seek to take the shopping center, (and other similarly distressed properties), by eminent domain — but that it would only be as a “last resort”.

    On Friday September 9th, 2011, after finding Centercorp had destroyed the landmark sign in front of the Nobscot Shopping Center, we posted an article, “Nobscot Landmark Disappears“, with photos showing the sign as it was on September 3rd, and the empty base that remained on September 9th.

    After we ran that story, Danielle Ameden of the Metrowest Daily News interviewed Terri Desjardins, Property Manager for the shopping center, then posted (more…)

    Centercorp to make Nobscot anouncement October 1st

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