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  • Flashmob at MWMC

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – For more than two decades, professionals involved with infection control have dedicated one week of the year as “Infection Prevention Week“. Originally the week was spent educating others in health care about the importance of reducing the spread of germs and infection.

    When Andrei Soran, (CEO of Metrowest Medical Center), got together with  Bonnie Biocchi, (President of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce), during the 2010 Infection Prevention Week, they got the idea to promote the importance of hand washing — not only to healthcare professionals, but to the community at large.

    Using social networking and online media the pair got a Flashmob together, and here’s what they came up with:

    What a great use of social networking, music, line-dancing and fun to promote something that could keep us all a little healthier, (especially as we head into the cold and flu season).

    Great job to all of you Wash Your Hands dancers!



    Flashmob at MWMC
  • Framingham Dairy Farm Open House

    Eastleigh Farm, Framingham, MA - milk bottles
    Visit a traditional New England Dairy Farm in Framingham this weekend!

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Eastleigh Farm is again offering families the chance to see a real working dairy farm in action.

    Farmer Doug Stephan is inviting people to visit the farm this weekend, Nov. 13 & 14, 2010, from noon to dark to see cows being milked, take a hay ride around the farm, “meet the cows” and have some family fun.

    Be sure to stop by and sample some locally produced milk, (flavored and unflavored), warm apple cider and ice cream with hot toppings — all served with plenty of  “bovine hospitality”.

    Eastleigh Farm is one of the few working farms left in the area, and the only one in Framingham licensed to sell raw milk.

    Eastleigh Farm is located at 1062 Edmands Road, Framingham, MA 01701, (turn onto Edmands at the intersection of Edgell Rd. in Nobscot).

    For more info, contact Doug Stephan, (EastleighFarm@gmail.com), or call (508) 877-1753 or visit their website at: www.Eastleighfarm.com


    Framingham Dairy Farm Open House
  • AOL Attempts Comeback as “Patch”

    Framingham Patch
    Why is ''Patch'' trying to get people to believe they are a local website and hiding the fact that they are AOL ?

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – AOL, the online service that so many people loved to hate, is rearing its ugly head again.

    AOL, a company whose corporate ethics are virtually non-existent has been the object of thousands of consumer, employee and investor complaints and lawsuits due to; unfair consumer practices, consumer privacy violations, unfair labor practices and securities law violations.

    The company was been the target of (and lost) one of the largest class action lawsuits in history.

    One class action lawsuit should be of particular interest to anyone considering “volunteering”, “contributing”, or responding to offers for paid work at AOL’s Patch. That lawsuit had to do with thousands of people who were effectively unpaid or underpaid “employees” of AOL — although the company called them “community leaders” and denied they worked for AOL.

    We’ve created a spoof / satire version of Framingham Patch which contains (more…)

    AOL Attempts Comeback as “Patch”

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