FRAMINGHAM, MA – on Sunday, October 10th, 2010, Arlo Guthrie, American folksinger, songwriter, storyteller will perform in concert as part of the Town of Framingham’s Grand Re-Opening of Bowditch Field.
Tickets for Framingham residents are just $5.00, (and only $1.00 for kids under 12). Non-resident tickets are $10 (and $2.00 for kids under 12).
Tickets may be purchased at the Bowditch Field office of the Framingham Park & Recreation Department, 475 Union Ave, Framingham, MA. Tickets are also available at Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis St, Framingham MA. Links at the bottom of this article provide additional information about the festival and how to purchase tickets online.
In case there is some reason you don’t know who Arlo Guthrie is — like, maybe you’ve been living in the woods for the past 40 years with (more…)