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  • Redistricting Hearing at FSU, Saturday June 18th

    Map of Massachusetts Congressional Districts (2011)
    Map of Massachusetts Congressional Districts (2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Following the results of the 2010 Census, the State of Massachusetts is losing one congressional district. District lines need to be redrawn to reduce the total from ten districts to nine.

    The current legislators representing Framingham; State Sen. Karen Spilka, (D-Ashland), a Member of the Special Joint Committee on Redistricting, along with State Reps. Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland),  and State Rep. Chris Walsh (D-Framingham), US Rep. Ed Markey (MA-7th), and several other other MA legislators will be holding a public forum to discuss redistricting, Saturday, June 18, 2011, (more…)

    Redistricting Hearing at FSU, Saturday June 18th
  • Keefe Tech Principal to Retire

    Retiring Keefe Tech Principal, Patricia Canali (June 2011)
    Retiring Keefe Tech Principal, Patricia Canali (June 2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – During her three years as the Principal of Joseph P. Keefe Technical School, Patricia Murray Canali’s commitment to the school community, students, and faculty has left a mark that will not be soon forgotten when she retires at the close of the 2010-2011 school year.

    “She brought everything she had every day,” said Superintendent-Director James Lynch. “During her time at Keefe, she set a new standard of commitment by a leader to the school community.”

    With a career that began in career technical education more than thirty years ago, Canali has served in the roles of ESL Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Director of Guidance and Assistant Principal at career technical high schools and traditional comprehensive high schools throughout Massachusetts before joining the Keefe Tech administrative team as Principal in July of 2008.

    For Canali, one of her most important goals as Principal was to focus on empowering students through more leadership opportunities. “I wanted to put more power in the hands of our students so (more…)

    Keefe Tech Principal to Retire
  • Framingham Author Publishes First Book

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Growing up the youngest of six children, an only girl with five older brothers, Robyn Bradley escaped into a world she created with pen and paper. She traces her ambition to become an author back to Mrs. Shea’s 4th grade class at the Charlotte Dunning School, when a writing assignment earned her praise …and three red stars.

    After graduating from Framingham North High in 1991, Robyn detoured slightly from the written to the spoken word, and put in six years full time at radio station Magic 106.7, (followed by another seven years working there part-time). But she kept finding herself (more…)

    Framingham Author Publishes First Book

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