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  • Local Resident in Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Irene Dunne of Framingham will spend a weekend walking to help eradicate breast cancer by participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston on May 15-16, 2004. The Avon Walk Boston is one of six events in a series of weekend fundraising walks taking place from May to October next year to help raise awareness and funds for access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer.

    The Avon Walks are non-competitive and structured for walkers of various fitness levels with a choice of completing a marathon walk (26.2 miles) or a marathon and a half (39.1 miles) over the Saturday and Sunday.

    All women are at risk for breast cancer. In 2003, the American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that approximately 211,300 women in the U.S. were diagnosed with breast cancer and about 39,800 deaths were attributed to the disease. Breast cancer also occurs in men and this year an estimated 1,300 new cases will be diagnosed. Because there is no known cure for breast cancer, awareness, education and early detection are our best defenses against the disease. According to the ACS, there is a 97urvival rate when breast cancer is caught early, before it spreads to other parts of the body.

    These facts are just one reason Dunne, is taking on this personal challenge. Dunne believes people want to help others but don’t necessarily know how. It was sometimes the help extended to her from strangers when she was ill that touched her most and made a long lasting impact. These were people who helped just because they were in a position to do so and not because they were being paid for the service. Dunne still fights her own battle with chronic hypothyroidism and still has a lot of medical issues to overcome. Exercise is very important to her. Dunne is desperately trying to improve her health and this walk will be a great challenge to her. Dunne says; If, my efforts in fundraising brings one person with breast cancer to an earlier diagnosis it will be well worth the trouble. Over the next couple of months Dunne is trying to concentrate on her training as well as the fundraising efforts.

    Dunne, like everyone walking in the event, is required to raise a minimum of $1,800 to participate, but she’s aiming higher, with a personal goal of $5,000. She hopes the Metro West residents will share their goodwill towards her efforts. Funds donated to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer are managed and disbursed by the Avon Foundation, an accredited 501(c)(3) public charity, with funds awarded for breast cancer awareness and education; screening and diagnosis; treatment; support services; and scientific research. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to community-based non-profit breast health programs in the vicinities of each Avon Walk event and nationwide.

    To help Dunne reach her fundraising goal, you may Donate Online at www.AvonWalk.org

    Or, you can send a check made payable to the “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer” to Dunne at: 181 School Street, Framingham, MA 01701.

    Borders Books have very kindly agreed to help Irene Dunne in her fundraising efforts for The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston. Only purchases made at Borders Books Music and Café on Route 9, west bound lane, next to Ken’s Steak House on the weekend of Feb 20, 21, 22 2004 and using this form will qualify.

    Borders will contribute 15% of the pre-tax purchase price to The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.


    Avon Walk walkers begin their trek very early on a Saturday morning after an inspiring and motivating opening ceremony. The walkers have a choice of walking either 13.1 or 26.2 miles (half or full marathon distances) toward the Wellness Village, their home-away-from-home for the night, where they can take a hot shower, enjoy a hot meal, take a yoga class, get to know their fellow walkers and receive information on breast cancer. All the essentials are provided for the participants, including two-person tents, massage therapy and comprehensive medical services.

    On Sunday, all walkers follow a 13.1-mile route back to the place they started for a celebratory ceremony with family, friends, supporters and the general public. A dedicated all-volunteer crew of several hundred people supports the walkers and event throughout the entire weekend.

    The public is invited to cheer along the route and join at closing ceremonies. Visit www.AvonWalk.org closer to the event date for more details.

    Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 2004 Scheduled Events (listed chronologically): Washington, D.C., May 1-2; Boston, MA, May 15-16; Chicago, IL, June 5-6; San Francisco, CA, July 10-11; Los Angeles, CA, September 11-12; and, New York, NY, October 2-3.

    To register to walk or join the crew, or to pledge financial support for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, visit www.AvonWalk.org or call 1-877-WALK AVON for more information. To learn more about the Avon Foundation, visit www.avonfoundation.org.

    Avon Walk for Breast Cancer proudly recognizes returning national sponsors Health magazine and RYKÄ, footwear for women, as well as Official Water sponsor FIJI Water and new Official Airline sponsor United Airlines.

    The Avon Walk series is a project of the Avon Foundation and builds on the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade’s commitment of more than a decade to raising funds and awareness for the breast cancer cause.


    The Avon Foundation was founded in 1955 with a mission to improve the lives of women by supporting programs that offer economic opportunity, and provide care and research for breast cancer in the U.S. and around the world.

    The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade began in the U.K. in 1992, and has expanded to 50 countries. Funds are raised through a wide variety of special events, product sales, walks, runs, concerts and other initiatives worldwide. The focus is on reaching the medically underserved population, including minorities, the poor, elderly, under- and uninsured, with a mission to fund access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer. In just over 10 years, the Avon Crusade has returned more than $250,000,000 net to breast cancer research and care organizations worldwide.


  • First Annual Alumni Dance Night

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – First Annual Alumni Dance Night sponsored by Framingham High School Parent/Teacher/Booster Org. All proceeds benefit Framingham High School- May 22, 2004, 7-11p.m. at Nevins Hall – live music and dancing. Food and refreshments will be available.

    Tickets are $8.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door.

    Send check to FHS-PTBO to:

    Framingham High School
    PTBO Box-Alumni Dance
    115 A Street
    Framingham, MA 01701

    For questions or to volunteer or to donate food or beverage, call Beverly at (508)877-7575.

  • Framingham Kindergarden Registration Cut-Off Date

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Do you have or know of a child living in Framingham who will be five by August 31, 2004? Now is the time to pre-register for Kindergarten ’04 (even if a sibling is already in the school).

    Register your child for 2004-2005 school years.

    Pre-registration Forms are available online at www.framingham.k12.ma.us, at the elementary schools, and at the Parent Information Center, 454 Water Street. Any questions, call (508) 424-3420.

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