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  • Interlibrary Loan Demand Overwhelms Minuteman Library Delivery System

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Due to the heavy demand for interlibrary loans among member libraries of the Minuteman Library network, the delivery service has been temporarily overwhelmed by the quantities of materials to be moved from library to library.

    Citing a backlog of about 600 boxes to be sorted and rerouted among the more than two dozen member libraries, the Minuteman Library system has temporarily called a moritorium on requests for audio-visual materials. The popularity of borrowing videos, audio books, and DVD’s has grown geometrically in the past few years, challenging the library staffs and the delivery system to keep up.

    Suspending audio-visual requests will enable the delivery service to have time and space to process the materials currently in transit and waiting to be sorted and delivered.

    Library patrons may still request print materials and go to member libraries in person to check out audio visual materials.


  • Amazing Things Open House Welcome & Thank You Party

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Members and the general public are invited to attend the Amazing Things Arts Center’s Open House Welcome and Thank You Party on July 31 from 3 – 5 PM.

    The formal Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and recognition of the Founding Benefactors will take place at 3:30. This event will celebrate what can be accomplished when many dedicated people work together. According to Amazing Things Board President Lee Mendenhall of Framingham, “We want to showcase our new Center and express our appreciation to the hundreds of people who have supported us in establishing something special in the Metro West/Framingham area.“ Executive Director Michael Moran added, “Amazing Things was founded on a vision of the arts as ‘a rich form of communication that allows us to meet, understand, and accept each other.’ The success of our new venture after only a year of operation tells us how much the community values our vision.”

    The Amazing Things Arts Center is located at 55 Nicholas Road in Framingham (in the Pinefield Shopping Center in Saxonville).

    Everyone who has contributed will be honored on July 31. The following major founding benefactors will be especially recognized:

    · Jon and Jill Baker

    · Jerry Burke

    · Caroline and Hugh Cockrill

    · Creative Tile

    · Joan and Russell Doucette

    · Frank and Kelly DuMar

    · David and Aaron Greenblatt

    · Leslie M. Holmes

    · David Lang

    · Barbara and Corbit Larson

    · Lindalee Lawrence and Richard Lucash

    · Cheryl Litster

    · The Lost and Foundation

    · Yuri Machkasov

    · The Maxwell Hurston Family Foundation

    · Lee and Mary Anne Mendenhall

    · Liza and Michael Moran

    · The Portland Group

    · Cynthia Rosso

    · William and Kathleen Rousseau

    · Chris Walsh

    · Peter Whistler

    · Thomas Chipman Co.

    Upcoming Amazing events include:

    · Folk/world artist Tony Bird on Saturday, July 23 (8:00PM)

    · Folk/pop/jazz artist Celia Slattery on Friday, July 29 (8:00PM)

    · Folk artist/satirist Tom Neilson on Saturday, July 30 (8:00PM)

    · Weepin’ Willie and the All Star Blues Band on Friday, August 5 (8:00PM)

    · Folk/funnyman Don White on Saturday, August 6 (8:00PM)

    Amazing Things sponsors a weekly Jazz Jam on Tuesday nights, Outspoken Word Open Mike on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of each month, and Cabaret Open Mike on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights. For full listings, check out www.amazingthings.org

    You can also visit the Amazing Things Gallery any Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 PM. This month, they are featuring “Art in the Neighborhood” by Saxonville Studios.


  • Town of Framingham Receives Donation from Local Businesses

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Local businesses donate tents to Town of Framingham for Concerts on the Green. Noticing that the Town was in need of new tents for the concession stand and booths at the weekly Friday night concerts, four Framingham business people pooled resources to purchase and donate four tents.

    Val Thompson, of Diaper Queen, Jim Gordon, Gordon Real Estate, Jeff Newman of Sign*A*Rama, and Debbie Cleveland of framingham.com bought four tents and presented them to Jim Egan, Director of Town Building Services, who organizes the concerts.

    The tents made their debut on Friday night, July 29th, providing a clean and bright look to the concession stand.

    The four businesses were acknowledged during the announcement portion of the program.


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