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  • Traffic Alerts, Road Construction Detours (Oct. 24th-28th, 2011)

    Framingham Traffic / Detour Signs
    Drivers are alerted to Be Prepared To Stop, (and wait), as construction continues on Concord St. and other roads in Framingham.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA– Roadwork on several major capital improvement projects in town will continue this week, (Monday through Friday, October 24th through October 28th, 2011).

    Delays due to traffic and detours around some of the work sites can add to driving times, so motorists should plan accordingly.

    The Town of Framingham’s Department of Public Works / Highway Division / Capital Projects website offers residents and visitors to Framingham helpful information about current and upcoming construction projects.

    You can view up to date traffic alerts, maps of project work sites and traffic detours, and sign up to receive email alerts for all or any of the currently listed projects.

    The email traffic alert for the week of October 24th -28th, 2011 indicates that: (more…)

    Traffic Alerts, Road Construction Detours (Oct. 24th-28th, 2011)
  • Framingham Education Foundation 20th Annual Spelling Bee

    Framingham Education Foundation (logo)
    The Framingham Education Foundation 20th Annual Adult Team Spelling Bee will be held on November 16, 2011 – Register your team now!

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The 20th Annual Framingham Education Foundation Adult Spelling BEE will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Cameron Middle School, (215 Elm Street  Framingham, MA).

    The event is one of the major fundraisers to support the grant program the Framingham Education Foundation sponsors to fund innovative and exciting programs in classrooms in the Framingham Public School system.

    A few months ago, we ran the article,”Good Words Wanted by Framingham Education Foundation“, when they were looking for suggestions for the 1000 word list that’s prepared each year so contestants can study the words they may be asked to spell.

    This year’s list is now complete — and teams are forming!  This is an adult team spelling bee — businesses, schools, organizations, or any (3) adults can be(e) a team, (team registration fee is $350 — 100% of all fees go towards education programs in Framingham Public Schools!).

    Use the links below to download sponsor or team registration form and word lists, (list is available in MS-Word or Adobe PDF format).

    • 2011 BEE Sponsor Form – use this form to pledge to sponsor a team in the name of your business, organization, or on behalf of a family or individual donor/sponsor.

    If you would like to form a team and join in the challenge, contact the Ed Foundation at framinghamedfoundation@live.com or visit their website at:  www.framinghamedfoundation.org


    Framingham Education Foundation 20th Annual Spelling Bee
  • A Bad Week of Bad Government

    Framingham Town Hall, The Memorial Building
    Framingham Town Hall, The Memorial Building

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – This week Framingham residents witnessed a series of town government related issues that can’t be described as anything other than a train wreck that was waiting to happen.

    Days before the Special Fall Town Meeting, with seven articles she had sponsored or co-sponsored on the Warrant, and several others that had monetary implications, Framingham Chief Financial Officer, (CFO), Mary Ellen Kelley announced she had made a $1.5 million dollar mistake calculating the Town’s operating budget.

    While the majority of the Articles sponsored by the CFO had absolutely no supporting background material, a half dozen pages of extremely detailed figures were provided for a 1% COLA, (Cost Of Living Adjustment), pay raise for non-union municipal workers and department heads, followed by a one page “note” which explained how (more…)

    A Bad Week of Bad Government

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