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Framingham Auxiliary Police
One William Welch Way
Framingham, MA 01702 (USA)

Email: fap@framinghampd.org

Website: https://www.framinghamauxpolice.org/

The Framingham Auxiliary Police is an elite group of volunteers who give of themselves to make Framingham a better place to live and work. The mission of the Framingham Auxiliary Police is to be trained and prepared to assist the Framingham Police in the event of a civil or natural disaster. Our auxiliary officer training begins with a Reserve/Intermittent police academy run by the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council. After graduating from the academy, the auxiliary officers are trained in first aid and CPR/AED. After completing the initial regimen of training, our auxiliary officers continue their training in the field by helping out at numerous community activities in Framingham, helping out at the Police Station, Community Substations, and on training patrols. History: The Framingham Auxiliary Police was originally formed during World War II as there was a need for air-raid wardens to be trained and available should the country be attacked. Unfortunately, the need to protect our country has renewed focus from terrorist threats and actions. The auxiliary police stand as a ready reserve, part of our Emergency Management infrastructure, to assist in case of natural or civil disaster. As part of our ongoing training, we help out at community and civic events year-round as well as assist the Framingham Police Department as requested.

Keywords: auxiliary police, Framingham Auxiliary Police, police,

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