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Pelham Apartments
75 Second St
Framingham, MA 01701 (USA)

Phone: (508) 872-6393

Fax: (508) 875-0651

Email: Pelham@corcoranmgmt.com

Website: http://www.corcoranapts.com/properties/pelham_apts.aspx

multifamily housing community consisting of 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom garden style townhouse units. Affordable family housing. Located near shopping areas, public transportation, large ballfield / playground park across from complex. Close to Route 9, MassPike, Rt. 128, Rt. 495 and Framingham commuter rail station. Managed by Corcoran Management Company.

Keywords: framingham affordable housing, framingham family apartments, framingham housing, framingham rentals, framingham townhouse,

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