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Dennison Triangle
4 Bishop St
Framingham, MA 01702 (USA)

Phone: (508) 879-8900

Fax: (508) 879-8300

Website: http://www.dennisonframingham.com/

luxury condominiums in former Dennison Manufacturing Co. mill building. 1-bedroom / 1-bath, and 2-beddroom / 2-bath large scale units with extra high ceilings, tall windows, all newly renovated with granite countertops, stainless appliances, exposed beams and other architectural features. Located just off Rt. 135 in Downtown Framingham near MBTA commuter rail station.

Keywords: apartment near train, commuter rail, downtown framingham apartments, rent condo in framingham condo near train, Route 126, route 135, train station,

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