Date: 2017-05-20

Transformation and Transitions: Healing through Art, Photography, Ritual and Poetry

Open Spirit and Ma’yan Tikvah host a Gallery Talk-discussion about healing spiritually and psychologically through art, photography, ritual and poetry in conjunction with a current exhibit “Spring: FearLess, LoveMore”: a photography show featuring Nicci Meadow with poems by Mary Oliver. Panelists Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark, Rabbi Katy Allen, Nicci Meadow, E. Catherine Loula, M.D. and Linda Klein, MA, MFA, discuss how art, photography, ritual and poetry support healing, spiritual nourishment, personal growth and human connection. *** Guests are encouraged to bring a Mary Oliver poem they would like to share. *** Following the discussion, a Havdalah service will mark the transition between the Sabbath and the workweek. *** Nicci Meadow’s photos on display at Open Spirit include representations of transformation, transitions and re-birth. Nicci is a local photographer, artist, jewelry designer, lawyer and non-profit consultant living in Framingham.

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