Date: 2009-09-30

Talking about Touching (for Parents)

Time: 7:30pmLocation: Whitney Place Assisted Living 3 Vision Dr., Natick. FREEOne-third of all sexual abuse cases involve children under the age of 5 years. At least 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 10 boys will be sexually abused before reaching the age of 18. Between 80 and 90% of abusers are known, loved and trusted by their victims. (Committee for Children) How can we protect our children against such staggering numbers without scaring them? This workshop is designed to help you empower your children to avoid sexual abuse while you also teach them the value of healthy, nurturing touch, an important part of all of our lives. The program will include a video entitled What Do I Say Now? and a discussion on teaching personal safety rules and, specifically, touching safety. You will leave with a basic vocabulary for discussingpersonal safety with your children throughout their growing years. Facilitated by: Judy Dixon, MEd., Natick Family Network Program Coordinator and Talking About Touching Trainer. Presented by MetroWest Boston Mothers & More

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