Date: 2010-04-03

Scamps Comedy presents: Brian Longwell

The Scamps Comedy Series returns with the smart and absurd comedy of Brian Longwell, a regular at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and two-time finalist for the Andy Kaufman Award. Longwell has combined his extensive background in both standup comedy and the corporate world (11 years with AT&T and 16 with his own company, Special Projects Group, Inc.) to create a truly unique comedy experience. A self-described “neo-economist, non-motivational, non-inspirational speaker,” he uses an overhead projector and stack of badly drawn slides to puzzle and entertain corporate audiences with his “Why Work?” presentation while they try to decode a message which isn’t there. He also presents political humor in the same vein, starting with 2004’s “I Didn’t Vote For George W,” then “Is Dick Cheney Evil?,” and to greet the economic meltdown, “My 401k is now a 4.1k.” He has written sketches and short plays and is now working on an animated series which focuses on being a corporate sell-out, something Longwell believes we should all embrace with an ironic self-aware cheeriness.

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