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  • Rep. Tom Sannicandro Promotes Citizen Lawmaking

    Rep. Tom Sannicandro Promotes Citizen Lawmaking

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – A strong advocate for using technology to make government more transparent and accessible, Representative Tom Sannicandro was recently featured in The Economist for a website that asks his constituents and other interested parties to collaborate on and ultimately draft a bill to regulate net neutrality. The magazine featured an article titled Government…

  • Traffic Alerts, Road Construction Detours (Oct. 17th-21st, 2011)

    Traffic Alerts, Road Construction Detours (Oct. 17th-21st, 2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA– Roadwork on several major capital improvement projects in town will continue this week, (Monday through Friday, October 17th through October 21st, 2011). Delays due to traffic and detours around some of the work sites can add to driving times, so motorists should plan accordingly. The Town of Framingham’s Department of Public Works /…

  • Spilka Files Gambling Bill Amendments

    Spilka Files Gambling Bill Amendments

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – In an effort to protect municipalities concerned about negative impacts from a bill to expand gaming in the Commonwealth, Senator Karen Spilka, (who represents Framingham and other area towns in the Massachusetts 2nd Middlesex & Norfolk districts), filed amendments today with the Senate Clerk’s Office to strengthen safeguards and provide additional protections…

  • Traffic Alerts & Detours (August 22nd – 26th, 2011)

    Traffic Alerts & Detours (August 22nd – 26th, 2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Roadwork on several major capital improvement projects in town will continue this week, (Monday through Friday, August 15th through August 20th, 2011). Delays due to traffic and detours around some of the work sites can add to driving times, so motorists should plan accordingly. The Town of Framingham’s Department of Public Works…

  • Free Electronics Recycle Event for Framingham Residents

    Free Electronics Recycle Event for Framingham Residents

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – On Wednesday, August 31, 2011, from 12:00 Noon until 8:00pm, the Town of Framingham Recycling Center is holding a *Free! Electronics Recycle Event. Framingham residents can drop off “anything with a power cord or a power button“, (tv sets, computers, kitchen appliances, home entertainment equipment, computers, monitors, vacuum cleaners — if it…

  • Presidents and Kings Speak Out on Debt Ceiling Issue

    Presidents and Kings Speak Out on Debt Ceiling Issue

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – With no final vote having taken place, and no actual legislation enacted, some camps are claiming victory, some decrying losses and most just knocking the process of raising the nation’s debt ceiling so the country can continue to pay its bills. President Obama released a 2 minute, 20 second YouTube video with…

  • Alumni Association Announces Framingham State 2011-2012 Scholarships

    Alumni Association Announces Framingham State 2011-2012 Scholarships

    Alumni House FRAMINGHAM, MA– The Independent Association of Framingham State Alumni, (“IAFSA”), a self-governing, non-profit organization established in 1874 which receives and administers funds that provide scholarships and interest-free loans to FSU students, has announced its list of 2011-2012 scholarship winners. Scholarships, (and loan funding), are made possible by donations, bequests, and rental of the…

  • Framingham Traffic Alerts (July 11th – 15th, 2011)

    Framingham Traffic Alerts (July 11th – 15th, 2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA– Roadwork on several major capital improvement projects in town will continue this week, (Monday through Friday, July 11 through July 15, 2011). Major delays due to backed up traffic and detours around some of the work sites can add to driving times, so motorists should plan accordingly. The Town of Framingham’s Department of…

  • Xtreme Riders 10th Annual Leukemia Run

    Xtreme Riders 10th Annual Leukemia Run

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Since the year 2001 the Xtreme Riders motorcycle club has held a fund-raising motorcycle run to benefit kids with Leukemia. This morning hundreds of gleaming motorcycles gathered in front of Robinson’s Hardware in the Pinefield Shopping Center and lined up for the 10th Annual Xtreme Riders Leukemia Run. At 10:15AM, the group…

  • Concerts on The Green – 2011

    Concerts on The Green – 2011

    FREE Summer Concert Series JUNE – JULY – AUGUST Friday Evenings 6:30pm to 8:30pm Framingham Village Green Framingham Centre, Massachusetts (Concert schedule page sponsored by Kathy Foran, Realty Executives) JUNE 2011 – CONCERT SCHEDULE June 24 Heritage Pops Orchestra JULY 2011 – CONCERT SCHEDULE July 1 The Infractions July 8 The Reminisants July 15 Common…

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