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  • What’s in the Health Care Bill?

    Yesterday, on March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law; H.R. 4872 – Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010, (commonly referred to as “The Health Care Bill”). While claims of “Medicare death squads”, “Government Takeover of Health Care”, and pundits claiming the bill will force employers to layoff or fire existing…

  • Selectman Candidate Cable Interviews

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Dave Hutchinson, host of Political Round Table, will be interviewing four of the five candidates for the Board of Selectmen which includes two incumbents. Interviews will start with twelve year incumbent Charles Sisitsky. Be sure to catch this program which will be seen: Monday, March 8 @ 6:00 p.m. And Tuesday,…

  • MetroWest Forum on Economic Reform

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — You Are Invited to a MetroWest Forum on Economic Reform and Senate Bill 2270. On February 8, 2010, Senator Karen Spilka (D-Ashland), the Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, and Senate President Therese Murray filed Senate Bill 2270, An Act to Promote Economic Development Throughout the…

  • Presentation by DPW at Heritage

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Nobscot Neighbors and Espresso Paulo are pleased to bring you a presentation by The Framingham Department of Public Works “Everything you ever wanted to know about Water, Sewer and Roadway projects coming to Nobscot..”  Monday night March 1, 2010, from 7 ­ 9 PM, in The Peloquin Room at The Heritage, Nobscot.…

  • Dave Hutchinson Interviews Christy Mihos

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Join host Dave Hutchinson and candidate for Governor Christy Mihos for a one on one interview on Dave’ Political Roundtable Discussion program.  Topics that will be discussed are current issues that effect us all. Be sure to catch this program which will be seen: Monday, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, February…

  • The Vote Getting Out

    Today was election day in Massachusetts to decide who will succeed Senator Ted Kennedy.  I didn’t head to vote until around 5:30 p.m. As the snow fell in bigger and bigger clumps, the driveway in and out of the King School was clogged with cars, more than I’ve ever experienced when going to vote. The closest…

  • Sec. of State William F. Galvin to speak at Census Kick-Off

    Framingham, MA — On January 26, 2010, Secretary of State William Galvin, Rep. Pam Richardson, Selectman Chair Ginger Esty, Pastor Elias Monteiro, Rev Faith Tolson and other local leaders will Kick Off Framingham’s 2010 Census Complete Count Committee. Effort will emphasize Census is Easy, Safe and Important The event will take place at 6:00 p.m.…

  • Voting Registration Deadlines

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Wednesday, Dec. 30 2009 is the deadline to register to vote for the Jan. 19, 2010 Sspecial Senate Election. Thursday, Dec. 31 is the deadline to be enrolled as a Democrat or Republican in order to participate in the 2010 party caucuses and conventions, which nominate candidates for statewide offices. The Framingham…

  • Photos with Santa on Sat. Dec. 12th at Nobscot’s Cafe

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Framingham Republican Town Committee is hosting a holiday get-together on Saturday, December 12 from 8:30 to 10:30 in the morning. Please join us at Nobscot’s Cafe, 847 Edgell Road for light refreshments and photos with Santa. A donation of $5.00 is requested but children under 14 will be our guests. Mary…

  • Voice Your Opposition to Concrete Plant on Old Conn Path

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Paulini Loam LLC continues its quest for a permit to build a concrete plant at 597 Old Connecticut Path. Although meeting opposition from abutters, the Town permitting officials, and Town Meeting since 2005, Paulini is pursuing permission through the courts and through the ZBA. The proposed plant would be located behind Suburban…

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