FRAMINGHAM, MA – After an unusually warm winter, with little snow, people were a little amused when, during the last days of March, meteorologists started predicting a blizzard would hit the area. It wasn’t Yankee humor, but the weather forecasters did have the last laugh when rain, then sleet, then snow, snow, and more snow…
FRAMINGHAM, MA – With the temperature below freezing for the past week, many people look for warm, comfortable, indoor activities to pass the time on a New England Sunday afternoon, but Jim Richards would rather do something he’s done for the past 40 or so winters… go fishing! Richards, a custodian at the McCarthy School,…
FRAMINGHAM, MA – At Larry Bucaria’s house, kids are always encouraged to play at the kitchen table… not with their food, but with the games Larry invents. Bucaria, who takes his game inventing seriously has set up shop, (under the name Kitchen Table Games Inc.), in Building 4 of the former Dennison complex. The company’s…
FRAMINGHAM, MA – At Larry Bucaria’s house, kids are always encouraged to play at the kitchen table… not with their food, but with the games Larry invents. Bucaria, who takes his game inventing seriously has set up shop, (under the name Kitchen Table Games Inc.), in Building 4 of the former Dennison complex. The company’s…
FRAMINGHAM, MA – Warnings are being stenciled above storm drains which empty into the Sudbury River in Framingham in hopes that people will realize that the drains lead directly into the river and that anything including motor-oil and other chemical products will end up in the river, along with the rain water run-off which the…
FRAMINGHAM, MA — The US Army Corps of Engineers has completed the The Saxonville Local Protection Project along the Sudbury River from the falls in Saxonville to the Danforth Street bridge. According to the Crops of Engineers, the project will protect about 23 acres of property along the left bank of the Sudbury River which…
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