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  • Tue. March 30th – Help Support N.E. Wildflower Society

    Shop at Whole Foods Framingham store on Tuesday, March 30, and your purchases also support New England Wild Flower Society’s celebration of Earth Day at Garden in the Woods. 5% of the proceeds will be donated to New England Wild Flower Society. NOTE: Earth Day at Garden in the Woods has FREE admission, special storytelling,…

  • Things we keep

    The April edition of the Framingham Tales and Trivia program on FPAC-TV will be about “old objects that we have always kept.” I have been invited to participate in the panel discussion for this show and am trying to decide what to bring and talk about. I look around and see things in my home…

  • Framingham & The Civil War

    Next year is the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the American Civil War. Framingham has many significant connections and contributions to The Civil War, from weaving wool for uniforms and blankets, to sending the most men per capita of any town in Massachusetts. The Battle Hymn of the Republic was first publically sung here…

  • Signing…off!

    When I was grocery shopping, I noticed some flyers under the windshield wipers of several cars in the parking log. I find it annoying and an invasion of privacy. (I don’t like finding door hangers on my front door, either.) I only know of one time that someone told me that they responded to a…

  • Presentation by DPW at Heritage

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Nobscot Neighbors and Espresso Paulo are pleased to bring you a presentation by The Framingham Department of Public Works “Everything you ever wanted to know about Water, Sewer and Roadway projects coming to Nobscot..”  Monday night March 1, 2010, from 7 ­ 9 PM, in The Peloquin Room at The Heritage, Nobscot.…

  • Do I have a Volunteer?

    The other day I happened to overhear bits of a conversation between a mother and daughter. The daughter, perhaps in middle school, was questioning why her mother was buying large quantities of colored paper. The mother replied that she was volunteering. But why are you volunteering, the daughter asked. Why do it? The mother explained…

  • Saving Clayes

    The Framingham History Center recently hosted a roundtable discussion about the Sarah Clayes House on Salem End Road.  The house, one of the oldest in Framingham, was built around 1693 by Peter and Sarah Clayes, who were one of several families impacted by the Salem Witch Trials that relocated to land then owned by

  • Framingham Loses Two Community Activists

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Within the last few days Framingham lost two people who were active  in the community:  Ruth Gordon, and Jim Friel.  I didn’t know either one of them, but I do know some members of their families and it is clear that the parents passed on the baton of serving the community to their offspring. I…

  • Clothes Racking My Brain

    I recently noticed some collection bins for donations of clothing and shoes set up in the middle of the Shoppers World parking lot. Then I thought about how Savers, a chain that sells used clothing, might open in the former CompUSA site.  Savers buys clothing in bulk from organizations such as Big Brother, Big Sister. And…

  • SOS for OCP

    Saxonville has some great neighborhoods, but unfortunately, traffic and development threaten them. In particular, Old Connecticut Path has been subject to a series of heavy traffic generators.  In the early 1990’s twenty odd towns were bringing truckloads of yard waste to create the mother of all compost piles at the New England Sand & Gravel site.  Then…

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