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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central MA / Metrowest
18 Chestnut Street, Suite 340
Worcester, MA 01608 (USA)

Phone: (508) 752-7868

Email: programs@bbbscm.org

Website: https://bbbscm.org/

You can make a difference in a child’s life! Big Brothers & Big Sisters community-based program matches youth aged 6 to 12 years old with volunteer mentors from 42 cities and towns in Central Massachusetts and Metrowest. Spend time with a boy or a girl who needs a special friend. Play baseball, ride bikes, eat pizza, go fishing, enjoy a movie, go to the park, have fun!!! A Big Brother or Big Sister is an Adult volunteer 18 and older who is interested and willing to work in a unique, one-to-one, professionally supervised friendship with a child. Big Brothers/Big sisters agency staff carefully evaluate prospective volunteers, basing the match on the needs of the child and the interests of the volunteer. The children as well as the volunteers come from all walks of life, and demonstrate the diversity of the community. Become a hero. Help a child grow into their dreams.

Keywords: big brother, big sister, framingham volunteer opportunity, massachusetts, mentoring, metrowest,

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