Date: 2011-08-27
Kid’s Fishing Derby (at Lake Cochituate)
The MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation and the MassWildlife Angler Education Program is sponsoring the “1st Annual Cochituate State Park Fishing Derby”, Saturday, August 27th, from 8:00a.m. ’til 11:00a.m. The derby is open to children ages 14 and under. (*** All children must be supervised by an adult. ***) Prizes will be awarded for biggest fish, smallest fish, and most fish caught! Instruction will be available for inexperienced participants. A limited supply of bait and equipment will be available. The fishing derby is free of charge, but there is a $5 parking fee at the park. For questions or to pre-register call Cochituate State Park at 508-653-9641 and ask for Betsey. Pre-registration is recommended but not required. The derby will be held at the Boat Ramp at Cochituate State Park on Rt. 30